
The Roleplaying Cooperative is always looking for volunteers who can assist us with a variety of tasks to improve upon the games and make them a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.  Certain types of LARPs won't be able to run without your help.  If you're interested in volunteering your time, even just the once, don't hesitate to contact us at roleplayingcooperative@gmail.com.

Make Up Artists
There are plenty of games which would benefit from a makeup artist who can assist with creating a better immersive experience by providing a range of different effects.  These effects will vary depending on the genre and needs of the game but they may include: attaching prosthetic ears, applying fake bruises and wounds, painting cat faces or creating the undead ranging from sallow vampires to rotting walking corpses.
Prop Makers
Both LARPs and tabletop games can benefit from a more visual and tactile experience to add to the generally auditory experience.  Therefore we're looking for prop makers of all stripes, from web design to clay making, woodcarving to pencil drawings, faux historical documents to newspaper articles.  If you have a skill you'd like to share, we'd be interested.  We can sometimes even incorporate crafts you have made for your own purposes but which you may like to donate.
Like playing the bad guy or the doomed victim bound to die?  Or maybe you just want to get a glimpse at behind-the-scenes activities and plans while still getting to move among the other characters?  Whatever your reasons, there's always a need for more cast.  Without people to play those memorable villains, shambling zombies or enemy cultists, too many games would bog down in GM description.  Even if you're only interested in volunteering half an hour of your time as a cast member, we'd love to hear from you.

LARP Organisers
There are a variety of tasks needed to get a LARP up off the ground, including marketing, general administration, reception at the venue, handing out character packs, set up and pack up.  If you're willing to assist with any of these tasks, we would be very grateful.
Game Masters
Perhaps you have a game which you would like to run for us, or maybe you'd like to assist an existing LARP to brush up on your skills or simply help a particular game be a success.  There's nothing more groan-worthy to players then having to wait in a queue for the one lone GM among a player group of 30, so please, if you are willing to help in any way ... even if only with certain segments of the game, such as with combat, we'd be much obliged to hear your interest.


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